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edited by Alan H. Sommerstein, giugno 2003, pp. 573, €
scholars examine aspects of our evidence for the work of Sophocles
that survive only in fragmentary form - over a hundred tragedies and
satyr-dramas, besides other poetry. The more they explore the skanty
shards that are left to us from the great majority of the works of the
poet of Kolonos, the less likely it comes to seem that the seven
extant tragedies are all typical of his output; there emerges a
Sophocles who is much more like Euripides than we have been accustomed
to imagine.
Sommario: Preface
- Notes on Contributors - Alan H. Sommerstein, Introduction –
I. Tracing Themes: 1. André Lardinois, Broken Wisdom:
Traces of the Adviser Figure in Sophocles' Fragments; 2. Elizabeth
M. Craik, Medical Language in the Sophoklean Fragments; 3. Katerina
Zacharia, Sophocles and the West: the evidence of the fragments
– II. Tragedy: Mothers: 4. Amy C. Clark, Tyro
Keiromene; 5. Glenn Moodie, Sophocles' Tyro and Late
Euripidean Tragedy; 6. Jenny March, Sophocles' Tereus
and Euripides' Medea; 7. Dan Curley, Ovid's Tereus:
theater and metatheater – III. Tragedy: Stepmothers: 8.
Carolin Hahnemann, Sophocles' "Aigeus": Plaidoyer
for a Methodology of Caution; 9. Sophie Mills, Sophocles'
Aegeus and Phaedra; 10. Thomas H.J.U. Talboy, A
Tell-Tale Tail: Sophocles Phaidra fr. 687 and 687a – IV.
Tragedy: Trojan Wrongs: 11. David Fitzpatrick, Sophocles'
Aias Lokros, 12. C.W. Marshall, Sophocles' Nauplius
and Heron of Alexandria's Mechanical Theater – V. Satyr-drama:
13. Eleanor OKell, The 'Effeminacy' of the Clever Speaker and
the 'Impotency' Jokes of Ichneutai; 14. Arlene L. Allan, Cattle-Stealing
Satyrs in Sophocles' Inachos, 15. Pierre
Voelke, Drame satyrique et comédie: à propos de quelques fragments
sophocléens – VI. Satyr-drama
or tragedy?: 16. Alan H. Sommerstein, The
anger of Aclhilles, Mark One: Sophocles'
Syndeipnoi; 17. Ralph M. Rosen, Revisiting Sophocles' Poimenes:
Tragedy or Satyr Play? 18. Antonio López Eire, Tragedy and
satyr-drama: Linguistic Criteria; 19. Jordi Redondo, Satyric
diction in the extant Sophoclean fragments: a reconsideration – VII.
Sophocles beyond drama: 20. Francesco De Martino, Sofocle
'stravagante' – References - Index of Persons - Index of Texts
and Passages.
In copertina: Sofocle con i manoscritti dell'Edipo
e dell'Elettra, particolare (tempera di Antonio Canova,
fine Settecento, dal volume "Antologia palatina", a cura di
Filippo Maria Pontani, 3, Einaudi, 1980)
ISBN 88-7949-307-8